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Analytics: Text

DMT 511: ICT Analytics

I am able to implement analytics for evaluating traffic to online objects.

There are two artifacts on this page: the first is a short research article on the use of Google Analytics in e-learning and learning management systems; the second artifact is an executive summary of the analytics data for the Google Merchandise Store. I created these two artifacts for my ICT Analytics class, during the Spring 2020 semester.

Analytics: CV
Analytics: Text
Analytics: Text

What did you learn?

I had limited experience with digital marketing analytics coming into this course. My analytics experience consisted of running learning analytics reports. One of the things I learned was how different they two types of analytics are. They're two types of data for two different purposes. However, I also came to learn the importance of web analytics even for e-learning. If you're designing e-learning you're designing web content, especially since HTML5 is now the standard language for both website and course publishing. In addition, e-learning designers or developers need to use websites to host their content, so it's useful to know web analytics for tracking site visitors. By the end of this course, I was able to add a completely new tool to my skillset, using Google Analytics to track website metrics.

How did you learn this?

My work focused on making a connection between e-learning and e-commerce. I tested and analyzed the use of Google Analytics for tracking visitor behavior in a learning management system. I also looked at applying a marketing-style approach to promote e-learning courses and engage learners, who are in a sense consumers.

What were some challenges that you overcame?

The first challenge I had to overcome was the onset of the pandemic. In the middle of the Spring Term, both Stout and my place of employment were sent all-remote. Dealing with the stress of uncertainty and the changes to routine made doing the work in this course more difficult than it otherwise might have been. The course content itself was out of my comfort zone. I wanted to learn about it, but I also didn't find it particularly interesting, so it was a challenge for me to stay on top of the material. Dealing with pandemic stress made that all the more difficult.


How will you apply this information in the future?

I am glad I was able maintain my interest in spite of the circumstances, because Google Analytics and analyzing behavior flows and metrics are skills I am using and will continue to use, whether it's for an LMS or a website.

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