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Web Technologies Research

Web Technologies Research: Text

ICT 799: Independent Study

I am able to research practical applications of web development in learning environments.

This research paper is an independent study I completed on web technologies, and the considerations for using markup languages in enterprise learning systems.

Web Technologies Research: CV
Web Technologies Research: Text
Web Technologies Research: Text

Where did you create this artifact?

This artifact is a research paper is a case study analysis that I undertook in 2020-21. The goal of this research was to examine the practical applications for using markup languages to create custom pages within an enterprise learning technology system.

What did you learn?

There has always been a degree of overlap between these two areas, in terms of visual design practices and project management methodologies, and also because both use the same browser-based markup languages to render content. Use of markup languages HTML and CSS is often a secondary skill for developers of online learning content, to edit existing code and create customized learning objects or containers; even if a course is rendered using an authorizing tool, it may still be necessary to build pages to house content. Such objects and pages are frequently inside an enterprise software platform such as a learning management system (LMS).  My and my advisor's shared hope was that research into the application of markup languages in online learning, focused on HTML5 and CSS5, could present findings that would be useful both in my own projects and for others within the IT and L&D industries. What I learned were the considerations that can impact this type of project, particularly markup language and customization limitations potentially imposed by a technology platform, and how to work within these limitations to still deliver a finish product in accordance with project goals.

How did you learn this?

I started the paper as an independent study in September 2020, and due to the timetable of the professional project being analyzed in the case study, completed it in April 2021. Working with the same advisor from start to end, the research paper carried over two semesters as part of both ICT 799 - Independent Study and DMT 675 - Dynamic Web Technologies.


What were some challenges that you overcame?

Enterprise systems may have limitations within their architecture on how markup languages may be used and rendered. For example, many systems restrict the use of JavaScript for security reasons. What my research found was that such limitations can severely limit the scope of a project. What started out as a vision to design more of a content library of learning paths pages in an LMS for housing resources on IT certification courses and exams, was narrowed down into a series of instructional pages linking to external content such as exam preparation and registration. This was because the LMS allowed a limited list of "safelisted" HTML and CSS tags, and completely restricted the use of other elements such as JavaScripts and embedded videos. The team was limited in what it could do with this pages. Despite these restrictions, the LMS was still the best option for housing the page.  This illustrated how a team can start with an idea but be limited the functionality of a system.

In terms of personal challenges for, the independent study presented challenge of pursuing academic  work outside of a formal structure. I was given full freedom by my advisor, Dr. Kristin Isaacson, to set the parameters and timelines of my research. Although I initially found this to be somewhat intimidating, I was already used to planning and carrying my instructional design projects independently so I quickly adapted. Another challenge related to this was fitting a research topic around purely professional, and the schedules of other professionals. Part of the reason the paper carried over two semesters was the need to wait for subject matter expert responses before developing pages. There was genuine concern when defining a research topic that a project could be prematurely terminated, or extend beyond the spring of 2021.

How will you apply this information in the future?

The findings of this research the specific considerations for working within in this environment to develop custom pages.

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